Wednesday, June 9, 2010


or lack there of. As you can see in previous posts I am training for my first half marathon. It was going great until 2 weeks ago. I started having abdominal pain and wasn't sleeping which made for poor or no workouts. I went to the doctor and was told I pinched a nerve in my back and neck that was causing all my pain. They had me on meds and I started to feel better. They say it takes 3 weeks of consistency to form a routine, but what they don't say is how little time it takes with a break in that routine to get back to it. Last week I didn't do anything except hit the gym twice. But this week I am back at it, kinda. I am suppose to run 3 miles this past Monday, 5 miles today, 3 miles tomorrow and 10 miles on Saturday, as well as go to the gym a minimum of 3 times. So not working for me. I did 2 miles on Monday (thought I was going to die) and went to the gym once. Hopefully tonight I will be able to do the full 5 miles and go to the gym. I am going to get back on top of the runs because I have seen or layout for the half marathon and it is going to kick my butt if I don't kick it in gear! Here is hoping that the rain holds off or goes away so that I can get more motivated.